School Fees 2025

Finance Office Details

Phone: (03) 9433 4003


Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8:30am – 4:00pm

School Fees

The fee charges for 2025 are $3515 for the year for One Child.

Family Fee of $2240

Capital levy of $580

Student Levy $695

Student Levy covers costs associated with the following:  swimming, gymnastics, dance programs, excursions, incursions, materials and resources for library, curriculum programs, student books, stationery items, photocopying etc.

The Family Levy and Capital Levy are charged per family and the Student levy is charged per child you have enrolled at the school.  If you have two children enrolled your fees would be the base rate of $3515 and an additional $695 for the second child.


Payment of School Fees:

Accounts are emailed out at the beginning of the school year with dates listed for instalments to be paid. Payment can be made by cash, credit card or by direct payment into our bank account.

Preferred methods of payment are:

Option 1 – payment in full by the 15th of June

Option 2 – Direct debit fortnightly or monthly payment plan.  You can opt for a direct debit from your bank account or charged to your credit card.  Payment plans usually run from January through to October. Plans remain ongoing unless a new form is submitted or an end date nominated.

Option 3 – Three installments on the 15th March, 15th June and 15th September.

Payment details for School Fees

If you wish to make a payment for your school fees this can be done via Bank Deposit or Credit Card.

School Bank Account details are:

St Marys School Account

BSB 083 347   Account 647033719

Please use your five digit account number found on your statement and surname as reference.

If you wish to make a Credit Card payment please email the finance office your Name, Credit Card Number, Expiry Date and amount you wish to pay.

CSEF (Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund)

 All families with a Health Care Card in the PARENTS NAME please submit a CSEF Form.

Other Costs:

Camping Program Year 5 and Year 6 (3 days). Camp costs are charged to Years 5 and 6 separately.  Estimated cost is $450 per student, however this rate may be adjusted each year depending on the cost of the camp.

Parish Levy:

A Parish Levy, currently $150, is charged per family each year to support the work of our Parish.  This Levy also assists with the maintenance of the Parish Property on which the school is situated.

This is to be paid directly to the Parish Office.

Details for Forms as follows:

  • Fee Schedule
  • DDR Form (Direct Debit from Bank Account)
  • COPS Form (Credit Card Payment)
  • Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) Application Form – Health Care card must be in the name of the Parent – not the child.
  • Concessional Fee Policy Application Form – Must be eligible for CSEF or experiencing severe financial hardship


  • Fees and Charges Policy
  • Concessional Fee Policy

Correspondence should be in writing via email where possible –;

Finance Office 03 9433 4003

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