Assessment & Reporting

Assessment & Reporting
St Mary’s staff believe that Assessment and Reporting are integral to planned approaches to Learning and Teaching. It provides a basis for program evaluation and continuing curriculum development. It informs teachers of areas where additional assistance is needed and develops a sense of partnership in learning among parents, teachers and students. Assessment should be valid, educative, explicit, fair and comprehensive.
Planned Assessment and Reporting will enable teachers to:
- Make balanced judgements about the level of students’ performance based on the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS)
- Interpret how programs need to be adapted for individual students (Individual Education Plans)
- Confirm what students have learned and where they may improve
- Produce informed reports for students and their parents about learning progress
- Review and analyse the school’s overall performance based on the National Naplan Standardized Testing results
- Reflect on future curriculum
Planned Assessment and Reporting will enable students to:
- Reflect and set goals for their learning
- Be involved in planning their own assessment
Teachers will:
- Provide written reports to families twice a year that highlight student achievement in line with the VELS documents
- Encourage learner-centred assessment through the incorporation of student self-evaluation in the reports and by providing students with the opportunity to evaluate their learning across all areas of their schooling
- Provide parents/caregivers with the opportunity to attend two formal interviews as well as welcome informal opportunities for parents/caregivers to receive feedback at any stage throughout the year
- Provide positive, regular and ongoing feedback to students throughout the year
- Use a variety of assessment strategies and contexts to cater for the full range of students learning, including intellectual, social, emotional and physical development
- Ensure that assessment procedures are consistent across the school, reflecting stages of development outlined in all curriculum programs
- Maintain a learning portfolio on students in their class to be passed on to the students’ teachers the following year
- Develop comprehensive and consistent teaching programs that reflect the needs of the students and are representative of the VELS
- Develop Individual Learning Improvement plans for students at risk, in consultation with parents and, where appropriate, with others with specific expertise
The school will:
- Ensure that teaching teams are supported in the planning and implementation of consistent assessment plans (eg. through planning days, professional development sessions, PLTs, release sessions for teaching teams, team meetings).
- Provide ongoing support and professional development for all staff in the area of Digital technology.
- Plan for and provide support for teachers in the implementation of this policy.
In order for effective evaluation to take place teachers will provide a balance of assessment in formative, diagnostic, summative and evaluative procedures. Assessment of learning, Assessment for Learning and Assessment as Learning will provide the fundamental basis for choosing the types of strategies that will be used in determining future learning goals. The following strategies provide a basis these theories:
- NAPLAN, Years Three and Five
- P-6 SINE Pre and post testing
- P-2 CLaSS Literacy testing
- Reading Recovery tests
- Maths Recovery tests
- Maths Diagnostic tests
- Classroom observation
- Open- ended tasks
- Journals
- Self- assessment
- Student/teacher conferences
- Negotiated evaluation
- Checklists and matrices
- Peer assessment
- Teacher constructed tests
- Portfolios
- Individual and group self-reflection
- Student planning for the criteria associated with an assessment task
At St Mary’s parents access Reports via the Compass Education Parent Portal.
Parents and Caregivers log on using their email and password.
Forgotten passwords:
If you have forgotten your password, please follow the ‘forgotten password’ link. Please check your Spam/Junk folder if you have not received an email reset. Follow the instructions to reset your password. If you continue to have difficulties, please email the ICT Team;
It is highly recommended that you use a computer or laptop to access your child’s reports for the first time. Subsequent logins can be made on a mobile device, such as a phone or iPad, if preferred.
Viewing Your Child’s Reports:
Once you have accessed the main menu of the Compass Education Parent Portal, you will select “view academic reports” on the left-hand side of your dashboard under the relevant child. From the “Reports” dashboard, you will simply click on the relevant report and print or download a copy for your records.
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